

Meteora in Ancient Greek is from “Meteoron” which means “suspended in the air” or “in the heavens above”.

Their inaccessibility is namely what attracted their first inhabitants in the 11th century AD.

They were hermit monks, willfully banishing themselves from society. Their successors built monasteries that were accessible only through hanging ladders and a carrier net or basket, making ascending and descending mortally dangerous.

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They succeeded in actively discouraging visitors and conquerors and allowing the hermits to freely spent their days in pursuit of salvation. In total, they build more than 30 monasteries upon these huge rocks.

Today, only 6 are active and are included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Monasteries are now accessible and open to visitors. There are also a great number of outdoor activities offered in the area, such as hiking, rock climbing and mountain biking. The visitor is stunned by what Greeks call “Meteora”: a complex of enormous greyish rocks, some rising above 1,000ft, guarding their isolation like petrified giants.

They are a good opportunity to fully experience the beautiful nature around Meteora.

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  • Epirus

    Features: ● Historic Region ● Mountains & Turquoise Beaches ● Virgin Forests

  • Meteora

    Features: ● UNESCO World Heritage Monument ● Suspended Monasteries

  • Athens

    Features: ● Ancient Architecture ● Historical Sites ● Vibrant Neighbourhoods

  • Arahova

    Features: ● Hiking and Mountainbiking ● Boutique Stores ● Mountain Resorts

  • Palaios Panteleimonas

    Features: ● Traditional Settlement ● Meat Tavernas ● Coastal Views

  • Agoriani

    Features: ● Mountain Village ● Waterfalls ● Meat Tavernas

  • Piraeus

    Features: ● Port of Piraeus ● Kastella Hill ● Art

  • Delphi

    Features: ● Ancient Greeks ● Olive Grove ● Temples

More Mainland Greece Destinations

  • 9 UNESCO Geoparks In Greece and Where To Find Them

  • From Athens to Delphi: Wander Through Greek History and Myth

  • Epirus

    Features: ● Historic Region ● Mountains & Turquoise Beaches ● Virgin Forests

  • Meteora

    Features: ● UNESCO World Heritage Monument ● Suspended Monasteries

  • Athens

    Features: ● Ancient Architecture ● Historical Sites ● Vibrant Neighbourhoods

  • Arahova

    Features: ● Hiking and Mountainbiking ● Boutique Stores ● Mountain Resorts

  • Palaios Panteleimonas

    Features: ● Traditional Settlement ● Meat Tavernas ● Coastal Views

  • Agoriani

    Features: ● Mountain Village ● Waterfalls ● Meat Tavernas

  • Piraeus

    Features: ● Port of Piraeus ● Kastella Hill ● Art

  • Delphi

    Features: ● Ancient Greeks ● Olive Grove ● Temples