Crete Cooking Lessons – Vamos Fabrica Farm

Crete Cooking Lessons – Vamos Fabrica Farm

Published On: August 26, 2018Last Updated: May 18, 20243 min readBy

☞ Table of Contents:

  • Visit local bakeries and shop for recipe ingredients.
  • Experience authentic village life in the area of Crete island.
  • Travel through stories that link food, culture, philosophy, and music.
  • Create traditional Cretan recipes as they have been passed down through generations.

Exclusive opportunities that are usually enjoyed only by the locals.

On the island of Crete, in a small village called Vamos, there is a 19th century complex of traditional buildings, that house visitors from all around the world and serve as the home base of our associate and friend Nikos Fratzeskaskis.

His dream: showcase how lesser know villages or island destinations within Greece can provide the visitor with an authentic experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

A dream that has been steadily realized in the last 10 years as more and more people decide to skip the crowds and join in a more cultural and relaxed style of traveling.

One of the many activities he organizes in the village are the cooking lessons and they have that one goal in mind.

Connect the visitor to the beauty, nature, history, and style of cooking of that little Cretan village and create an experience any guest will treasure for a lifetime.

What to expect:

A cooking lesson day begins with a visit to the local bakery and grocery store on the way to the Fabrica, an old picturesque, partly renovated olive mill. There, we will prepare several appetizers (mezedes) and main dishes. We’ll learn all there is to know about olive oil varieties and the philosophy behind Cretan food.

While food is a predominant aspect of most of the activities that are organized, the schedule revolves around creating opportunities for human connection, exchange of ideas, music and a healthy dose of wine!

In one of the activities called the Symposium, the participants are guided into the experience by a moderator/philosopher in order to become familiar with the cuisine, culture, philosophy, and music of Crete. All senses need to be opened in order to receive the wealth of tastes and sounds that link together past and present.

Then, together we will bake “pites” traditional Greek pies, prepare dolmades (wine leaves filled with rice and herbs) as well as natural cosmetics. If you desire you will also partake in seasonal activities like picking grapes or olives.

The Greek Experience

It is true that Greeks are, in their stunning majority, a very hospitable people. Wherever you go in this country you will meet people who will go out of their way to make you feel at home, however, on Crete, this feeling is ever more prevalent.

Among the locals, you will indeed be spoiled. They love their island with a passion and are always ready to share the best this blessed island has to offer to visitors. There is a rough, yet wholesome, beauty in Crete, in the land and the people and it never fails to enchant in its simplicity and lack of pretense.

Nikos is a characteristic embodiment of the Cretan ideals.

He doesn’t have a secret marketing technique for success. He is an authentic example of Greek hospitality, a worthy successor of his ancient forefathers.

If you are interested to learn more about Nikos Fratziskakis and Vamos Fabrica you can visit their website here: Vamos Village & Fabrica Houses

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